Monday, October 27, 2014

Weekly Photo Assignment 3 : National Geographic

I have my own and unique style of pictures. I am not a fan of any kind of self-portrait, however, Machu Picchu is one of the most beautiful place in the world and a self-portrait is a must have picture. I took a picture showing my most awesome tattoo blending with the background. I took the background picture while I was in Machu Picchu and for this assignment I merged my legs with the background using Photoshop. I have a similar picture that I took over there; but to make it new for this assignment I decide to reproduced the picture using Photoshop with two of my pictures. National Geographic has some priceless pictures showing nature and the relation between nature and human beings. I want to show the same with my picture, but in my case the relation between my tattoo and Machu Picchu.

Machu Picchu stands 2,430 m above sea level, in the middle of a tropical mountain forest, in an extraordinarily beautiful setting. It was probably the most amazing urban creation of the Inca Empire at its height. My self-portrait gives me power and energy… the same kind of energy that you can feel in Machu Picchu. 

On a second picture, I took a photo of myself with some style to be National Geographic Magazine. Working in the National Geographic Magazine as a photographer is a dream for every photographer. I hope one day I can have some great pictures that I can send to the magazine.

“I have photographed sharks in waters around the globe, and I always want more and yearn to peer deeper into their world. To feed my passion and to raise awareness, I developed a story about sharks for 'National Geographic' magazine.” Brian Skerry

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